An amicus brief is a written legal argument filed by someone not directly involved in a case on appeal to help educate the court about particular issues. The Network decides when to file amicus briefs based upon many factors including which jurisdiction the case is in, what the particular issues being advocated are, and what kind of an impact the brief might have.
The Network's Committee on Amicus Policies has temporarily paused the evaluation of new amicus brief requests. It anticipates reopening the request form in mid-to-late January 2025.
See our amicus brief request page to submit a request to the Innocence Network’s Amicus Committee
Karl Pitcher
Supreme Court of the State of Montana
Covington & Burlington LLP
Court of Appeals of the State of New York
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
US Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
Center for Integrity in Forensic Sciences
Supreme Court of the State of Washington
McDermott Will & Emery LLP
District Court of Appeal of Florida Fourth District
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
Supreme Court of the State of New York
Goodwin Procter LLP
Supreme Court of the United States
Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver, LLC
Supreme Court of Louisiana
Papetti Samuels Weiss McKirgan LLP
U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
Wiseman & Schwartz, LLP
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Eastern District
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